Savi’s Clipping #10

Weekly Clipping

Our Weekly Clipping is online! Check out some of the main news from last week:


Shipping industry reports too many containers at ports

After the long period of crisis within the international ocean freight triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic, the shipping industry is now dealing with the opposite: there is an excess of containers at the ports.

Logistics operators are pointing out that container depots are crowded and taking up unnecessary space in major ports, causing shipowners to reduce freight rates so that these containers can be moved out of their locations quickly.


Brazil makes its first corn export to China

After almost a decade, Brazil has just made its first corn exportation to China. Such operation is the result of an agreement that has been signed during this year between the two countries, by means of which China certified that more than 100 Brazilian companies have the requirements to export to that country.

The first ship with a cargo of corn left the Port of Santos last week. Then, three more ships should leave for China later this month.

Such attitude has become one more measure adopted by the Asian giant to enable the reduction of its current dependence on inputs from the United States, therefore in search of new suppliers internationally.


November’s trade balance registers a record surplus

According to data released by the Ministry of Economy, last month’s trade balance registered a positive result of US$6.7 billion, which is the highest amount in history for the months of November.

This surplus comes from the US$28.2 billion obtained from exports and the US$21.5 billion from imports last month.

In the year to date, Brazil’s positive balance has already reached US$58 billion, with the agriculture and livestock sector as the main highlight in exports and the extractive industry having a great projection in imports, since it has grown more than 75% during this year.