Savi’s Clipping #11

Would you like be updated about the main Foreign Trade news from last week? Check out the highlights we have selected!


Vehicle production, sales, and exports grows in Brazil

For the seventh consecutive month, more than 200 thousand vehicles were produced by Brazilian carmakers; thus that kind of manufacturing jumped 34% over last year’s production at the same month.

Last November, the output grew almost 5%, when compared to the same period in 2021. Furthermore, in the year-to-date, local manufactured vehicles have exceeded last year’s production by 6.9%, totaling almost 2.2 million units. Last month’s negotiations had an 18% increase over November 2021. The number of Buses that were sold figured prominently.

Regarding the export sector, Mexico, Argentina and Colombia are those outputs’ main destinations.


Brazilian wheat may hit export record

Brazilian agribusiness exports continue to reach historic records year after year. Consequently, during 2022, wheat has accomplished great success throughout our export agenda.

Historically, Brazil is a major importer of wheat, since our domestic production does not usually meet all our demand for this type of grain. However, a good harvest this year has made our shipping area register a jump to more than 300% in relation to the volume exported in 2021.

Over the past 11 months, Brazil exported more than 2.5 million tons of wheat. Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Morocco, Vietnam and South Africa are their most important landing places.


European Union bans the entrance of products coming from deforested areas. Brazilian exports could be affected

Last week, members of the European Parliament and member States of the European Union reached an agreement to ban products originating from illegally deforested or degraded lands, such as cocoa, soy, coffee and beef. As a result, Brazilian exports may be affected, since those are the dominant production within our export portfolio.

Also, according to a survey lead by the Brazilian agricultural sector, last year, there was a 20% increase in the deforestation rate across the country. It is now up to the companies and the public sector to act with more rigidity over their environmental agenda, in order to avoid local financial losses, and the consequences of a cutback affecting exports.