Savi’s Clipping
On the air, another Savilog Clipping to keep you updated with the main news in the universe of Logistics and Foreign Trade, check out last week’s news highlights:
Beef exports to China more than doubled last year
Last year, between the months of January and December, Brazilian beef exports to China more than doubled to generate US$ 7.95 billion in revenue. China was responsible for buying almost 70% of all the beef exported by Brazil. Right behind China, the United States, Chile, and Egypt stand out as the main destinations for our national beef.
China is the biggest export destination for 14 Brazilian states
China is Brazil’s biggest trade partner, since it is the central destination of our exports and also the primary origin of everything we import. Recently, an interesting piece of data has been released to report the participation of the country in each of the Brazilian States, revealing, likewise, that the Brazilian States where China is their shipments’ main destination are: Tocantins, Pará, Goiás, Piauí, Mato Grosso, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, Bahia, Maranhão, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná, Rondônia and SP.
Thus, it seems important to note the growing participation of the Asian giant inside our own economy, as well as in Brazilian culture as a whole.
Galeão Airport breaks a record concerning cargo movement
Last year, the Galeão Airport (GIG), located in Rio de Janeiro, registered a historical record, in regard to cargo handling activities, reaching 55 thousand tons of imports and exports over the year. Compared to 2021, there was an increase of 15% and, if also compared to 2019, during the pre-pandemic period, it’s a 33% increase.
Intermodal South America starts in SP
Yesterday morning, February 28th, the largest Logistics and Foreign Trade fair in Latin America, Intermodal South America, started in São Paulo.
The event is gathering hundreds of companies and participants in search of networking and updates on the sector.