Savi’s Clipping #5

Check out last week’s top news!

Brazilian beef imports jump in the US

The exports of Brazilian beef to the United States set an increase this year and now represent 16% of all beef imported by the country. Last year it represented 6%.

Brazilian beef was second only to Australia and New Zealand. In 2022, the United States bought 7.4% of the beef exported by Brazil, compared to 5.5% during the same period last year.

New Covid-19 restrictions in China impact iPhone production

China continues to impose several restrictions against Covid-19, and the disease outbreaks in the country make authorities to determine strict measures to contain its spread. Videos on social media register many factory workers, including Apple employees, who walk for miles to avoid mandatory quarantine inside Apple’s facility.

In order to circumvent such restrictions and avoid product shortages, Apple has been investing in its production in India, although the output volume in this country is still very low in relation to the Chinese manufacturing volume.

Russia quits Ukrainian grain export deal

In the midst of the war that has raged in Ukrainian territory since February, Russia has decided to suspend the Ukrainian grain export agreement, after an attack in Crimea last Saturday. As a result, the United States has accused Russia of “Weaponizing food, thus directly impacting nations in need.”

High technology loses space on the Brazilian export agenda

The share of technological goods has been losing ground in the Brazilian export agenda, which caused a drop from 15.8% to 11.9% in medium-high technology shipments and from 4.7% to 2.2% in relation to high technology from 2018 to 2021.

Agricultural commodities, however, continue to rise and are gaining more prominence in our shipments, with China as their main destination.


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